
A repository of my analytics projects

NFL Charter Flights

Tableau: Dashboard exploring NFL team charter flight patterns. Created using Tableau Public.

Table Contest 2024

My submission for the Posit 2024 Table Contest.

Odds Converter Tool

Web app allowing you to convert sports betting odds in different international systems and into implied probabilities.

NFL Analytics

Website dedicated to NFL advanced stats and analysis.

S&P 500 Stocks App

Web app allowing you to retrieve stock price information for any company in the S&P 500 Index. Built using the Streamlit framework.

Big 5 Leagues Web App

Dashboard looking at the current tables and statistics for the Big 5 European football leagues.

Wordle Web App

Wordle site programmed using the Shiny web app framework. Inspired by Winston Chang's original app.

NFL Win Probability Tool

Dashboard that looks at individual NFL game win probability using data from the nflfastR package.

2022 Men's FIFA World Cup Odds

Dashboard highlighting win probabilities for each FIFA World Cup match, and overall team stats.

Tableau: World Football Matchday Portal

A suite of dashboards highlighting standings and match outcomes of the biggest football leagues in the world. Built in Tableau Public.

Club Soccer Forecasts

My Club Soccer Forecasts app simulates and visualizes the results of the current Premier League season. Built using the Shiny app framework.

IMDB Ratings Tool

TV series and ratings data for 1000+ shows in the IMDb database.

F1 Analytics

Website dedicated to Formula 1 analytics and visualizaton.

NHL Odds App

[Deprecated as of 2022] My NHL odds app shows the latest stats, standings, and playoff probabilities for all 32 NHL teams.

Tableau: U.S. Air Travel Dashboard

This dashboard explores how COVID-19 disrupted commericial airline travel in the United States. Created using Tableau Public.